Tired of boring meetings and presentations?
Poor communication costs your business money. You can't close deals, inspire your team or create real change if you're confusing people or sending them to sleep.
What if you could change that?
Workshop Options
Storypowers for Leaders
Millions of people binge on Netflix every night for hours, but most of us struggle to sit through a business meeting or presentation for 10 minutes without getting bored, checking our phones or having our minds wander.
That’s not because business is boring - it’s because of how it’s communicated.
This training will teach you how to use storytelling to become a better, more confident business communicator. It will improve your ability to engage, persuade and inspire.
you’ll learn to effectively tell the story of your products and services
your messaging will be much more concise, understandable and engaging
you'll be much more successful when pitching ideas, funding proposals and client propositions
You’ll learn how to elicit stories from others, building stronger connections and gaining a better understanding of
what’s really happening
you'll communicate strategies, decisions and changes in ways that people understand, remember and engage with
people with strongly held views will be more open to changing their mind and seeing your point of view and
you'll be more authentic and credible

Presentation Storypowers
Most presentations suck. The presenter has no fun, audiences get bored, and nothing changes. It’s a massive waste of everyone’s time - but it doesn’t have to be.
This training will teach you how to easily build and deliver effective presentations and speeches. It will improve your ability to communicate and move people to action every time you present.
your presentations will be the ones people will remember
you’ll learn the 7 steps to easily (and quickly) put together any presentation or speech
you’ll improve your use of slides and visual aids so they help your message and don’t put people to sleep
you will communicate your ideas with clarity and power so people remember and are inspired by them
you’ll significantly enhance your ability to use your voice and body language to add to your message (live or online)
you’ll learn the techniques professional speakers use to handle stage fright and performance anxiety
you’ll be seen as the expert in your area and the one people want representing the organisation on stage
“Purposeful storytelling isn't show business,
it's good business”
Peter Guber